Rev. 1/16/04
Guidelines for Dealing with Problem Behavior 1
Problem Behaviors
Adult Abuse/Neglect 3
* Animals 5
Armed or Physically Threatening Behavior 6
Assault 8
Bomb Threat 9
Bomb Threat Form 60
Child Abuse/Neglect 11
Children, Unattended (During Business Hours) 12
Children, Unattended (After Closing) 14
Letter to Parent or Guardian 59
* Dress 16
* Eating and Drinking 17
* Eccentric Behavior
And Other Non-disruptive Behavior 18
* These are not considered to be problem behaviors.
Emotionally Disturbed or Psychotic Behavior 20
Gangs 22
Group Behavior 24
* Homeless 26
* Language, Offensive 27
Of Library Materials or Equipment 28
Noisy and Rowdy Behavior 30
Obscene Telephone Calls 34
Parking Lot Problems 35
Robbery 36
Sexual Misconduct 38
* Sleeping 40
* Smelly Patron 41
* Smoking 42
* Solicitation (Panhandling) 43
Stalking 44
Substance Abuse 46
Substance Abuse – Drug Dealing 47
Substance Abuse – Suspicious Substance
Or Paraphernalia 48
Theft of Library Material 49
Theft of Personal Property 51
* Truancy 52
Vandalism (including Graffiti) 53
Verbal Abuse 54
*These are not considered to be problem behaviors.
Incident Reporting Form 56
Suspect Description Form 57
Bomb Threat Form 58
Letter to Parent or Guardian 59
Community Resources
Social Services Contacts 62
School Contacts 63
In order to provide an atmosphere conducive to the appropriate use of its service and facilities, the Salem Public Library requires the public to comply with the following rules and regulations:
1. Improper conduct is prohibited. The following forms of conduct shall be considered improper:
Disorderly conduct (one warning, then out)
Obscene or abusive language or acts (one warning, then out)
Presence in the library or on library grounds while under the influence of any intoxicant, narcotic, or similar substance (police will be called)
Use of any intoxicant, narcotic, or similar substance on the library premises (police will be called)
Gambling (one warning, then out)
Smoking (one warning, then out)
Mutilating or defacing any library property (police will be called)
2. Patrons, while in the library building, shall be engaged in activities normally associated with the use of the library. Patrons not engaged in reading, studying, using library materials or other appropriate activities, may, after one warning, be asked to leave the building.
3. Patrons shall not interfere with the use of the library by other patrons, nor shall they interfere with library employees’ performance of their duties. (one warning, then out)
4. Patrons shall respect the rights of other patrons and library employees and shall not harass or annoy others through noisy or boisterous activities, by following another person about the library with intent to annoy that person, by playing audio equipment so that others can hear it, or by behaving in any manner which can reasonably be expected to annoy other persons. (one warning, then out)
5. All library materials must be charged out in accordance with established procedures prior to removal from the library; otherwise, the police will be called.
6. All briefcases, oversize handbags, carryalls, luggage, packages, overcoats, and shopping bags are subject to inspection by the library staff.
7. Library staff may, for good cause related to any apparent breach of these rules and regulations, request a patron to provide proper identification.
8. Animals, other than guide animals are not permitted in the library building. (animal out immediately)
9. Parents are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children in the library, whether or not the parents are present. Children aged 10 and under must always be accompanied by a responsible adult or a sibling over the age of 13 while in the library. The library expects those accompanying children aged 10 and under to be in direct supervision of the children, which means that they should be able to see the children at all times. Those failing to supervise the children in this manner will be warned once and then asked to leave it if happens again in the same visit. If no responsible adult or other care-giver can be found, the police will be called after 30 minutes. Children should be picked up no later that five minutes before closing time; the police will be notified about any children left alone at the library at closing
Rev. 1/16/04
1. Assume that all persons have a legitimate reason for being in the library.
2. Be consistent and fair in enforcing behavior standards. Avoid mentally grouping people by type (age, economic status, etc.) and making assumptions about how people might behave based on these characteristics.
3. It is not necessary to tolerate disruptive behavior on library property. If a person is disturbing other persons or interfering with staff work, the Person-in-Charge should approach the person about the problem.
4. All staff have a responsibility to be aware of potential problems and alert the Person-in-Charge when they sense an incipient problem, as well as an actual problem.
5. Teamwork is important. Be aware of what is going on around you so that you may assist a co-worker with moral support or by summoning assistance, should that become necessary.
6. When possible, staff should make eye contact with patrons and greet them as they enter the branch. Many organizations have found that “greetings” can help prevent problems that may occur when patrons feel anonymous or unnoticed.
7. When faced with a problem behavior situation:
- listen carefully to the person;
- respond in a calm manner, in a normal tone of voice;
- exhibit a reasonable, realistic attitude and do not argue with the person;
- do not touch the person;
- if the person appears to be potentially violent, do not block escape routes (yours or hers/his);
- do not hesitate to call the police (911) in a threatening situation.
8. Maintain good communication regarding incidents that have occurred within the branch; repeat offenses can be more accurately identified and tracked if all staff are aware of recent problems.
9. Maintain good communication with Library Administration by using the Incident Reporting Form on page 56. Fill out the form while details are fresh; submit immediately whenever 1) another county agency has become involved, 2) the media may become involved or 3) a member of the public is likely to contact Administration about the incident.
10. If a pattern of problem behavior develops involving the same person or persons which these guidelines do not resolve, consult with the Library Director regarding what further actions may be possible or appropriate. The Salem Public Library is a public property offering its services to all citizens of the community. As such, we are not legally permitted to ban or bar an individual from entering the library. Banning can only be done by a court of law, following a complete hearing on the matter. However, library supervisors do have the power to have an individual removed from the library by the proper authorities after giving notice to that person that they are not permitted to remain on library property due to behavior that is contrary to the library’s purpose or to the peace and order of the patrons. Each such offense must be treated as a separate incident. In the most extreme cases of repeated problem behavior, the Library Director will contact the City Attorney to request a court-ordered injunction against further entry.
“Abuse means the willful infliction of physical pain, injury, mental anguish or unreasonable confinement.
Neglect means that an adult is living under such circumstances that he/she is not able to provide for himself/herself or is not being provided such services as are necessary to maintain his/her physical and mental health and that the failure to receive such necessary services impairs or threatens to impair his/her well-being.
Incapacitated person means any adult who is impaired by reason of mental illness, mental retardation, physical illness or disability, advanced age or other causes to the extent that the adult lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make, communicate or carry out responsible decisions concerning his/her well-being.
Emergency means that an adult is living in conditions which present a clear or substantial risk of death or immediate and serious physical harm to himself or others.”
Code of Virginia 63.1-55.2
Although librarians are not included in the category of professionals who are required to identify or remedy adult abuse, the Salem Public Library is concerned about the safety and well-being of the community.
continued …
STAFF MEMBER 1. If neglect/abuse is suspected, report incident to Person-in-Charge.
2. In a life-threatening situation, call police emergency number 911. Report call immediately to Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. In a non-emergency situation of neglect or abuse, or if the person seems incapacitated, call the Salem Police non-emergency number 3078.
3. If unsure if the person may be in need of assistance, ask him/her if intervention is appropriate. Offer to call Roanoke County Adult Protective Services at 387-6040 (weekdays 8-5) or 561-8036 (nights, weekends, holidays) if requested.
4. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
Library Director 6. Clarify and identify incidents of abuse as reported by Person-in-Charge or staff member, if formal report to responsible authorities is indicated.
Animals of any kind, wild or domesticated, are not allowed in the Salem Public Library building. Exceptions may be made for dogs assisting visually or hearing impaired persons, guide dogs in training, or for special library-sponsored events.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Politely inform the patron that animals are not allowed in the library. This is not a problem behavior situation.
2. If the situation escalates, refer to “Verbal Abuse.”
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. Call the Salem Police’s non-emergency number 3078 for assistance in dealing with wild or stray animals causing a problem or posing a danger to patrons.
Staff and patron safety are the first priority in any physically threatening situation. The protection of county property is of secondary importance. This guideline applies to any physically threatening situation in the library, including incidents between patrons as well as between patrons and staff.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Be calm and non-threatening. Do not attempt to physically overpower the person. Comply with any demands that may defuse the situation. If possible, maintain a barrier (e.g. desk or chair) between you and the patron.
2. If situation has not escalated but appears potentially threatening, call the Salem Police non-emergency number (3078) to request a police walk-through of the building and assessment of the situation.
3. If situation has escalated already, call 911 immediately. If unable to call yourself, use a prearranged signal to notify another staff member to call the police on 911. When calling, give name, agency, and street address. Be specific and emphasize immediate help is needed.
4. Assess risk to other patrons and staff and take appropriate protective measures including possible evacuation of building.
STAFF MEMBER 5. Notify Person-in-Charge as soon as possible if she/he was not notified before the police were called.
6. Staff member making call to the police on 911 must remain on site until the police arrive.
7. If armed or physically threatening person attempts to leave the building, do not interfere or attempt to detain the person. If possible, observe person’s vehicle and direction of travel and/or obtain vehicle description and license tag number.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 8. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
Library Director 9. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Actual or threatened physical attack involving library patrons and/or staff.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Any staff member who observes an act of assault should immediately call the police on 911. Remain calm and give name, agency, and street address. Be specific and emphasize the need for immediate help.
2. Notify the Person-in-Charge as soon as possible if she/he was not notified before the police were called.
3. Get a description of the attacker. Observe height, build, type and color of hair, and eye color. Try to observe direction of travel and/or obtain description of vehicle and license tag number. See Suspect Description Form, page 57.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 4. Assess risk to other patrons and staff and take appropriate protective measures, including possible evacuation of building.
5. Offer assistance and privacy to any victim and advise victim to remain in the library until the police arrive. Assist police as needed.
6. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LibraryDirector 7. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Report of a bomb or other incendiary device accompanied by an indication that it has been or may be detonated. Usually such threats are received by telephone, but procedures also follow for mailed threats and the identification of a suspicious package.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Make every effort to record caller’s exact words, using Bomb Threat Form (p. 60) if possible. Special note should be made of the following items:
- Time of call
- Who the caller is
- Voice identity such as sex, accent, etc.
- Background noises such as street traffic, trains or airplanes, etc.
- Where is the bomb placed
- What kind of bomb
- What does the bomb/package look like
- What will cause the bomb to explode
- Time bomb is to explode
- Caller’s reason for placing the bomb
2. Be familiar with and follow branch specific instructions for tracing call, if available on your telephone system. Enter those instructions here: Press *69
3. Handle written threats carefully to preserve fingerprints.
STAFF MEMBER 4. If suspicious package is received or potential bomb located, no attempt should be made to unpack or move it.
5. Notify Person-in-Charge. If Person-in-Charge is not immediately available, proceed to steps 6 and 7 below.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 6 Report immediately to the Police Department (911), and Agency Director.
6. Follow Police recommendation on building evacuation, unless circumstances indicate immediate evacuation is needed.
“Any child less than eighteen years of age whose parents or other person responsible for his/her care creates or inflicts, or allows to be created or inflicted upon such child a physical or mental injury by other than accidental means, or creates a substantial risk of death, disfigurement, impairment of bodily or mental functions.
A child who is without parental care or guardianship caused by the unreasonable absence...of the child’s parent...[is considered a] vulnerable child”.
Code of Virginia 63.1-248.2
Librarians are not included in the category of professionals trained to identify or remedy child abuse. The library is not charged with the authority to define or identify child abuse. Any staff member witnessing or suspecting child abuse may file a voluntary report as a private citizen. Staff are immune from any civil liability or criminal penalty if a good-faith report is made.
See also: *Children, Unattended
STAFF MEMBER 1. If a staff member witnesses or suspects child abuse or neglect, notify Person-in-Charge.
2. If a life-threatening situation exists, call the Police on 911.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. In a non-emergency situation of suspected neglect or abuse, call the Salem Police non-emergency number, 3078.
4. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LibraryDirector 5. Clarify and identify incidents of abuse as reported by Person-in-Charge or staff member, if formal report to authorities responsible is indicated.
Parents are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children in the library, whether or not the parents are present. Children aged 10 and under must always be accompanied by a responsible adult or a sibling over the age of 13 while in the library. The library expects those accompanying children aged 10 and under to be in direct supervision of the children, which means that they should be able to see the children at all times. Those failing to supervise the children in this manner will be warned once and then asked to leave it if happens again in the same visit. If no responsible adult or other care-giver can be found, the police will be called after 30 minutes.
See also: *Noisy and Rowdy Behavior
STAFF MEMBER 1. An unattended child found frightened or crying in the library should be comforted by the staff and reunited with parent or care-giver. Explain to the parent or care-giver that you were concerned about the child’s safety.
2. If parent or care-giver is not immediately available, the staff should take the child to the Children’s Librarian or the Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. If parent or care-giver is not in the building, try to obtain parent’s name and phone number from the child.
4. Call the parent or care-giver, inform him/her of library’s concern for the child’s safety and request that the parent or care-giver pick up the child as soon as possible. Alert them to the library’s policy of notifying the police after 30 minutes.
continued …
CHILDREN’S LIBRARIAN 5. If parent cannot be reached within 30 minutes
PERSON-IN-CHARGE or if care-giver doesn’t respond within 30 minutes, call the Salem Police non-emergency number, 3078.
Hello there – you look like you need some help. May I help you find your Mom or Dad?
Your child seemed anxious when she/he couldn’t find you. The library is a pretty scary place for some small children. May I help you look or something together?
I’m calling from the public library. Your child seems anxious/frightened/bored/restless, and I’m afraid that our staff is not able to provide the individual supervision that she/he needs. In the interests of your child’s safety and comfort, please come to the library to pick him/her up.
A vulnerable child is an unattended child of any age whose safety or well-being would be endangered if he/she were left outside of the building after closing. Examples include the child being too young to be on his/her own or the child being left alone in an unsafe area. Staff must use their own judgment and consideration of a number of factors to determine if any minor left after closing is a vulnerable child. In general, staff should stay with any child under twelve who is left after dark, and with older children when necessary.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Identify an unattended child early enough so that you can encourage him/her to call parent or care-giver, or offer to call for the child.
2. Notify Person-in-Charge that vulnerable child is waiting to be picked up.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. If parent or care-giver cannot be reached with first phone call, try again in a few minutes.
4. TWO staff members will remain with the child for 30 minutes after closing time until parent or care-giver arrives. Explain library policy and hours to parent or care-giver when he/she arrives. Give them Parent Letter (p. 59) and listing of library hours.
5. If child is not picked up within 30 minutes after closing, call the Salem Police non-emergency number, 3078. Staff must wait with the child until the authorities arrive. If parent/caregiver arrives before police, call non-emergency number to cancel request.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 6. Under no circumstances will library staff transport or take the child away from the library building.
7. Complete Incident Reporting (p. 56).
The library closed this evening at 5/9 p.m. For your convenience, here is a list of library hours, and a letter from our Director explaining our policy. For your future reference, it is the library’s policy to call the Police Department if a child is left more than 30 minutes after closing. Thank you for your cooperation.
The way a person dresses is not considered to be a problem behavior. According to the City Attorney’s Office, manner of dress is not against the law.
The library is a public facility, and our floor/carpet is not very sanitary. For your own safety, you might want to wear shoes while you are here.
See also: * Eccentric Behavior and Other Non-Disruptive Behavior
* Smelly Patron
Some library users may act strangely or be a source of concern or irritation to the staff and/or public but their behavior may not constitute problem behavior. Examples include: sleepers; the patron wearing three fur coats in the summer or mismatched shoes; someone whose body or clothing is so dirty that it is unpleasant to be near him/her; people who exhibit bizarre mannerisms, compulsive behavior or speech; and the simply lonely talkers or watchers. The library is seen as a “safe” environment and often is sought by people who have difficulty in interpersonal or social situations.
ALL STAFF 1. Eccentric patrons should be treated with courtesy, patience, and tolerance. Serve them but do not allow them to monopolize your time or energy, or prevent service to others.
2. To help prevent eccentric behavior from becoming a branch problem, staff discussions and communication concerning such behavior can be effective, particularly for recurring situations involving regular patrons. Venting staff concerns and emotions about eccentric behavior can be a positive reaction to non-disruptive behavior.
3. When you are uncertain whether behavior is eccentric or disruptive, consult with the Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 4. When staff alert you to questionable behavior, try to observe the situation yourself. Response will be dictated by library policy and guidelines. Inform and reassure staff as to your actions. Discussions pertaining to effective responses should be ongoing during staff meetings an staff training.
continued …
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 5. Staff should be made aware of resources for homeless and/or mentally ill people, and be able to refer patrons to these resources as appropriate. See Community Resources-Social Services Contacts, p. 62.
Repetitive, consistent “out of touch with reality” behavior. Individuals who are emotionally disturbed shall not be denied the right of self-determination while in the library, as long as their behavior does not interfere with the rights and privileges of other patrons.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Initially treat this patron like others. Be alert and sensitive to her/his library needs. If requested, staff should provide telephone numbers for county services. See Community Resources - Social Services Contacts, p. 62.
2. If the patron becomes disruptive, refer the situation to the Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. Ask the patron firmly and quietly to leave the library:
I am sorry, you are interfering with other people’s use of the library. I am going to have to ask you to leave.
4. Do not touch the patron. Allow space so that the person can leave the building easily in case she/he feels threatened.
5. If the patron won’t leave, call the Salem Police non-emergency number 3078.
continued …
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 6. If the patron becomes physically threatening to herself/himself or others, call the police on 911.
7. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 8. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
“Youth gang: A collectivity consisting primarily of adolescents and young adults who (a) interact frequently with one another; (b) are frequently and deliberately involved in illegal activities; (c) share a common collective identity that is usually, but not always, expressed through a gang name; and (d) typically express that identity by adopting certain symbols/or claiming control over certain “turf” (persons, places, things, and/or economic markets).”
Gang Intervention Handbook/Arnold P. Goldstein & C. Ronald Huff, editors. 1993.
“Gangs are NOT SOCIAL CLUBS, as their members would like you to think. They are organized groups offering support and solidarity to children, teenagers, and adults who often have nowhere else to turn . . . Although not limited to these traits, gang members are often seen to wear “colors” or symbols of gang membership. These may be bandannas, tattoos, shoulder patches, or other identifiable paraphernalia . . . Gang clothing varies, but often involves baggy pants and shirts, reversed baseball caps, or other clothing items worn identically by gang members. Not all teenagers or children wearing this type of clothing are gang members.”
Official Library Security Manual, a “How To” Guide for Managers/Administrators by Stevan P. Layne. 1994.
See also: * Armed or Physically Threatening Behavior
* Assault
* Graffiti
* Group Behavior
* Noisy and Rowdy Behavior
* Vandalism
STAFF MEMBER 1. Individuals who may be associated with a gang should be treated like all other patrons. Specific behaviors which are not acceptable should be treated according to the same guidelines which apply to all patrons. When staff suspect that individual or group behavior is connected to gang activity, they should report their concern to the Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. When recurring negative individual or group behaviors appear to be connected to gang activity, the Person-in-Charge should inform the Library Director.
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 3. The Library is advised to be in touch with local police officials for advice on the situation. The stronger leadership and structure of gangs, their agenda and the possibility of members being armed potentially present greater dangers to staff and the public than other groups and individuals manifesting problem behavior. The presence of youth gangs in a branch may also discourage other individuals and other groups from making use of the facility. In this situation, the branch needs to work with the police to find a balance which allows access to library services to all patrons, including gang members, without jeopardizing the safety and rights of staff and other patrons.
“Prohibited conduct . . .
1) To interfere, impede or hinder the free passage of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; or,
2) To threaten or do physical harm to another member or members of the public; or,
3) To threaten or do physical harm to the property of another member or members of the public; or,
4) That by words, acts, or other conduct, it is clear that there is a present danger of a breach of the peace or disorderly conduct.”
Code of Fairfax, Section 5-1-2
See also: * Armed or Physically Threatening Behavior
* Noisy and Rowdy Behavior
* Gangs
STAFF MEMBER 1. Report behavior to the Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. If the situation appears threatening, call the police on 911.
3. If the situation does not appear to be immediately threatening, explain to the group, with another staff member present, that they are interfering with normal library operations. Suggest alternate sites, including the library meeting room, if appropriate and if available. Warn the group that if the behavior persists, they will be asked to leave.
4. If the behavior continues, tell the group to leave or the police will be called. If they do not leave, call the Salem Police non-emergency number, 3078. Provide estimate of the size of the group.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 5. Monitor the situation until the group leaves and/or the police arrive.
6. When the police arrive, describe the incident and the direction the group took when it left.
7. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 8. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Homelessness or the appearance of homelessness is not considered to be a problem behavior. However, all library policies and regulations governing patron behavior should be applied to patrons equally. Some behaviors may be associated with individuals believed to be homeless and may be more frequently observed in branches with a greater than average concentration of homeless persons. Specific behaviors, such as panhandling, blocking doorways, or monopolizing equipment or restrooms should be addressed as they occur. Possession of large bags or multiple parcels may impede library traffic or block passageways. Aisles, hallways and entrances must be kept clear in compliance with ADA and Fire Department regulations. If requested, staff should provide appropriate telephone numbers for county services. See Community Resources - Social Services Contacts, p. 62.
Our seating is limited; please use only one chair.
We need to keep our aisles and passageways clear for safety reasons. Please move your belongings.
It’s almost closing time. Do you need some help before the library closes?
See also: * Dress
* Eccentric Behavior and Other Non-Disruptive Behavior
* Emotionally Disturbed or Psychotic Behavior
* Smelly Patrons
* Solicitation (Panhandling)
“Profane” cursing or swearing in public is defined as a Class 4 misdemeanor in the Code of the City of Salem, Section 58-27. The use of offensive language is discouraged in the Salem Public Library because it may disturb other patrons and prevent them from using the library in a comfortable fashion.
See also: * Noisy and Rowdy Behavior
STAFF MEMBER 1. Politely inform the patron(s) that their language is disturbing others. This is not a problem behavior.
2. If the situation escalates, refer to Noisy and Rowdy Behavior or Verbal Abuse as appropriate.
You may not be aware that the language you are using is offensive to some of our other patrons. Please modify your language or conduct your conversation more quietly to avoid making anyone else feel uncomfortable.
“It is illegal to write upon, deface, tear, cut or destroy library books and materials.”
Virginia Code, Section 42.1-72, Chapter 5
This procedure also applies to tampering with library computer hardware or software.
Note: Leaving brochures, leaflets or handouts in or near library materials is not defined as vandalism or mutilation. However, patrons observed leaving or inserting such materials should be informed of the Salem Public Library’s policy on handouts and referred to the Library Director.
STAFF MEMBER 1. If you suspect or observe someone vandalizing or mutilating library materials or equipment:
a. Approach the individual and explain that this activity is unlawful and that it deprives others of access to materials.
b. Confiscate damaged materials, if appropriate.
c. Notify the Person-in-Charge. If the patron attempts to leave, do not detain him/her. Staff may write down a physical description and may make an effort to obtain a vehicle license tag number.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. Speak to the patron, and ask for name and address. Discuss options for compensation. If patron is a minor, use your own judgement to determine whether or not to call parents. If this is a repeat offense, call the Salem Police non-emergency number, 3078.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 4. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Disruptive and unsafe behaviors such as loud talking, loud laughter, crying, screaming, using media without earphones, making and receiving numerous calls on cellular phones, recurring pages on a beeper, running, jumping, rollerblading, playing games (e.g., hide and seek, tag, etc.), throwing things, pushing and shoving which may result in disturbing other patrons, injury to patrons or staff, or damage to library property. These behaviors may be exhibited by children, teenagers, or adults, either individually or in a group. Patrons should be politely informed of policies and the consequences of not adhering to them.
See also: * Group Behavior
* Language, Offensive
STAFF MEMBER 1. Action is to be taken when staff observes noisy and rowdy behavior or receives a patron complaint that such behavior is occurring. All complaints should be treated with courtesy and sympathy. When a staff member receives a complaint, before taking action, he/she should observe and evaluate the situation. If appropriate, the staff member should suggest to the patron who complains certain alternatives such as the use of a quieter area of the library.
2. If observation reveals a problem situation, request that the individual or group change the behavior using non-judgmental, factual statements. Speak in an even tone of voice, make friendly eye contact, and avoid negative body language. You may wish to offer assistance in locating materials. No warning should be issued at this time. Communicate situation to other staff assigned to the area.
Have you found what you need? May I help you?
You may not be aware that the sound of your voices carries and that others who are working here have complained.
Please stop running (or shoving, etc.). You may hurt yourself or others.
Please do not climb on the security gate. It is electrical equipment.
I have had a complaint that . . . It's not appropriate here.
We need to limit groups to four at a table. (Wait until group breaks up.)
I'm sorry, you can't sit on the floor. It blocks the aisle/entrance/passageway. (Wait until they move.)
Please go to our public phone area to make or receive your calls.
STAFF MEMBER 3. If problem behavior continues, a warning should be issued at this time. Restate the problem, offer alternatives, and tell them they will be asked to leave if they do not comply. Alternatives to consider are:
a. Suggesting that large groups sit at more than one table.
b. Suggesting moving to another location within the library or outside the library.
You were asked to be quieter 15 minutes ago, and the noise level is still too high. Perhaps you could break up into smaller groups or continue your conversations outside. You need to be quieter or you will be asked to leave.
If you don't stop running, you will be asked to leave.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 4. The Person-in-Charge, accompanied by the staff member, should back up the person handling the situation, or take the initiative at this point. Two or more staff members should be present when dealing with a group of more than three or four people.
You have been given opportunities to quiet down (stop running, etc.) and have not done so. Now I have to ask you to leave the library.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 5. If all contacts fail to stop inappropriate behavior and the person(s) refuse(s) to leave, they should be informed that they are trespassing and the police will be called.
continued. . .
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 6. Call the Salem Police non-emergency number, 3078, unless the person(s) become(s) abusive or threatening. In that case, call the police on 911. If necessary, other staff may be asked to make the call to the police. Give an estimate of number of patrons involved.
7. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 8. Repeated incidents by the same person or group may require special action on the part of the Library Direcctor; e.g., building rapport with school-parent-teacher groups or guidance departments. It may help to learn names and addresses of patrons involved, but you may not require them to produce identification. A discussion with parents of children or young adults involved could also be helpful.
9. Consult with the police to request advice and assistance. See Community Resources - Public Safety Contact, p. 61.
Caller who asks questions of a personal sexual nature, breathes heavily, offers or requests sexual favors, uses obscenities, etc.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Do not say anything. Be familiar with and follow branch specific instructions for tracing call, if available on your telephone system. Enter those instructions here:
2. Report incident to Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. Alert other staff.
4. If calls persist, notify Salem Police by calling non-emergency number 3078.
5. Notify telephone company by following instructions in the introductory pages of the Phone Directory.
6. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 7. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Problems resulting from use or abandonment of vehicles on library grounds. Library staff does have responsibility for events occurring on library property, including grounds and walkways. These problems can include unsafe roller or skateboarding, accidents, abandoned vehicles, or vehicles illegally parked in handicapped spaces or fire lanes.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 1. Automobile accidents involving injury should be reported to the Police on 911.
2. Patrons involved in other accidents should be offered use of a telephone and the Salem Police non-emergency number: 3078.
3. Abandoned vehicles should be reported to Police on non-emergency number: 3078. Leave a note on the vehicle stating when it was abandoned and warning owner that it will be towed if not removed.
Robbery is defined by common law in the State of Virginia as “the taking, with intent to steal, of the personal property of another, from his person or in his presence, against his will, by violence or intimidation.”
Virginia Code, Section 18.2-58, Article 5, General Consideration
Robberies can occur in the library between patrons or involving staff, as in the potential demand for money from the cash register or safe. Staff and patron safety are the first priority in any physically threatening situation. The protection of city property is of secondary importance.
See also: * Armed & Physically Threatening Behavior
* Assault
STAFF MEMBER 1. Remain calm. Do not resist. Comply with demands.
2. Observe suspect carefully in order to be able to provide a full description. See Suspect Description Form (p. 57).
3. As soon as possible, use the panic button located in the money drawer or call 911. If you are observing a robbery, use a prearranged signal to notify another staff member to use the panic button or call 911. When calling, give name, agency and street address. Be specific and emphasize immediate help is needed.
4. Notify Person-in-Charge as soon as possible.
5. Staff member making 911 call must remain on site until the police arrive.
6. Once the suspect leaves the building, do not interfere or detain the person. If possible, observe the person’s vehicle, direction of travel, and license tag number.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 7. Protect crime scene by not letting anyone touch anything until the police arrive. Make arrangements for normal library business to continue without undue disruption.
8. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 9. Alert staff to incident so repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Acts such as exposure, public masturbation, sexual harassment, offensive touching, sexual solicitation, etc.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Note incidents or patterns of inappropriate behavior and notify Person-in-Charge. Note physical description of person (height, build, age, coloring, clothing) and attempt to obtain vehicle license tag number. Use Suspect Description Form (p. 57).
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. If situation involves activities such as watching, following or leering, observe and alert person that you are aware of him/her by offering assistance in using the library. Maintain an obvious physical presence while patron remains in building.
3. If problem persists, call the Salem Police non-emergency number 3078.
4. If situation involves overt acts of sexual mis-conduct, call police on 911.
5. Provide privacy to victim of the offense; be sympathetic and understanding. Encourage, but do not force victim to report incident to police. If victim is a child, notify parent or caregiver or have a staff member present when child is questioned by police. Offer additional help as necessary, e.g. escorting patron to car, offering use of telephone, etc.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 6. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 7. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
This is not considered to be a problem behavior unless it interferes with the rights or privileges of others. Sleeping patrons may be monopolizing seating, snoring loud enough to disturb others, or blocking aisles or passageways.
STAFF MEMBER 1. If one of the above situations occurs, awaken patron by making a noise. Do not touch them.
Our seating is limited; please use only one chair.
I'm afraid you are making noise that is disturbing others.
We need to keep our aisles and passageways clear for safety reasons. Please find a chair.
It's almost closing time. Do you need some help before the library closes?
This is not considered to be a problem behavior. According to the City Attorney’s Office, smelling bad is not against the law. Patrons or staff complaining about this need to be tactfully informed by the Person-in-Charge about the policy and told that action will not be taken. If homelessness or serious health issues are suspected, Person-in-Charge or Library Director may consult with appropriate Roanoke County Agencies. See the list of Community Resources - Social Services Contacts on page 62 for addresses and phone numbers.
Smoking or the use of tobacco products is not allowed in any City of Salem building except in designated areas specifically set aside for smoking.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Politely inform the patron that smoking or using tobacco products is not allowed. This is not a problem behavior situation.
2. If the situation escalates, refer to Verbal Abuse.
Soliciting or selling in the Salem Public Library and on adjacent grounds or the library meeting room will not be permitted .
STAFF MEMBER 1. Politely inform the person that soliciting is not allowed. This is not a problem behavior.
2. If requested, staff should provide appropriate telephone numbers for Roanoke County services. See Community Resources - Social Services Contacts, p. 62.
3. If the situation escalates, refer to Verbal Abuse.
Asking people for money is not allowed on library property. Do you need to use the telephone to call someone?
An activity whereby a person on more than one occasion engages in conduct directed at another person to place that other person in reasonable fear of death, criminal sexual assault, or bodily injury. This is a Class 2 misdemeanor in Virginia as defined in Virginia Code 18.2-60.3. The person being stalked can be either a patron or a staff member.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Note incidents or patterns as reported by patrons or staff and notify Person-in-Charge. Note physical description of person (height, build, age, coloring, clothing) and attempt to obtain vehicle license tag number. Use Suspect Description Form (page 57).
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. When alerted to a pattern of questionable behavior, try to observe the situation yourself, and confirm that it has occurred on more than one occasion.
3. Alert person that you are aware of him/her by offering assistance in using the library. Reassure patron or staff member that you are monitoring the situation. Reassign staff member temporarily to other areas of library if appropriate and reasonable. Maintain an obvious physical presence while patron remains in building.
4. If problem persists and staff or patron continues to feel threatened, call the Salem Police non-emergency number: 3078.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 5. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 6. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Any person who exhibits the signs and symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whose judgment is affected, and whose behavior in the library is disruptive or potentially dangerous. Use of alcohol or controlled substances is prohibited in City of Salem buildings.
See also: * Eccentric Behavior or Other Non-Disruptive Behavior
* Emotionally Disturbed or Psychotic Behavior
* Group Behavior
* Noisy and Rowdy Behavior
* Verbal Abuse
STAFF MEMBER 1. If a person under the influence does not exhibit disruptive behavior, assist person calmly. Continue to observe situation if person remains in the library.
2. If the person’s behavior becomes erratic, harmful, or threatening, notify the Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 3. Calmly, but firmly ask the person to leave. With another staff member, walk the person to the door.
4. If the person refuses to leave, call police on 911.
5. Assist police as needed.
6. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 7. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
An activity involving the exchange of money or other valuables for controlled substances.
STAFF MEMBER 1. If drug dealing is suspected, report the incident to Person-in-Charge immediately. Provide a detailed description of all suspects and their actions. Use Suspect Description Form, (p.57).
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. If suspects are still in building, call police on 911. If suspects are not in building, call the Salem Police non-emergency number 3078.
3. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 4. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Materials, substances or items that can reasonably be assumed to be connected with the sale, purchase or use of controlled substances.
STAFF MEMBER 1. If a suspicious substance or paraphernalia is found, do not touch or smell it. Report the incident to Person-in-Charge immediately.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. Call the Salem Police non-emergency number, 3078. Follow their advice regarding removal/disposal/handling of item(s).
3. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p.56).
“Whoever . . . willfully removes any book or other property from any . . . libraries or collections shall be deemed guilty of larceny . . .”
Code of Virginia, 42.1-73, Chapter 5
STAFF MEMBER 1. If you suspect or observe someone attempting to steal library materials approach the individual and ask if you can help him/her to check out material(s); or, if he/she is leaving the building, ask if he/she has forgotten to check out materials.
2. A staff member may request to examine handbags, briefcases, packages, strollers, etc., to search for library materials not properly charged. The staff member may not search the person involved or any clothing except obvious outer garments, e.g. sweater, scarf, jacket or coat. You may ask to examine pockets or other concealed locations but you may not forcibly take any articles from the person.
3. Call the Person-in-Charge. If the patron insists on leaving, and the staff has reasonable cause to suspect theft of materials, do not pursue the patron or attempt to detain them. Staff should write down a physical description of the patron and may make an effort to obtain a vehicle license tag number. Use Suspect Description Form (page 57).
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 4. Speak to patron, and ask for name and address. Explain that the unauthorized removal of library materials is unlawful, and deprives others of access to materials. If patron is a minor, use your judgment to determine whether or not to call parents. If this is a repeat offense, call the Salem Police non-emergency number: 3078.
5. Complete Incident Reporting form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 6. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
Unlawful, unauthorized removal of property belonging to someone else.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Report incident to Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. If the crime is in progress or you personally observed it, call 911.
3. Obtain victim’s name and phone number. Ask patron if she/he can stay and speak with the police. If they prefer not to stay, encourage them to report the theft from home. Provide patron with privacy, telephone, and the Salem Police non-emergency number: 3078. The patron must report the crime if you did not observe it in progress.
4. Offer assistance to patron, e.g., allow him/her to make a phone call to arrange for transportation home or arrange for medical assistance if injury occurred.
5. A search of the building and grounds may be made while waiting for the police.
6. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 7. Alert staff to incident so that repeat occurrences can be noted or prevented.
Truant - a pupil who stays away from school without permission.
Although the Salem Public Library does not condone truancy, library personnel are not responsible for identifying or reporting truants.
See also: * Children, Unattended
Acts such as painting, carving, breaking, burning, uprooting or defacing library furniture, buildings, grounds, or landscaping.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Alert Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 2. If incident is serious and in progress, call 911.
3. If incident is over, assess the damage and call the Salem Police non-emergency number: 3078. If doors and/or windows have been damaged, do not touch anything until police arrive.
4. Take appropriate action to have damage repaired or cleaned up (e.g. call Building Maintenance @ 3093).
5. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 6. File other insurance claims as appropriate.
Abusive behavior transcends angry behavior in that it incorporates personal attacks and/or causes staff to experience an unacceptable level of discomfort. Patrons have the right to express anger to the library staff; they do not have the right to be abusive, nor does staff have the obligation to tolerate such behavior. Guidelines regarding verbal abuse can also be applied to conflicts between patrons.
STAFF MEMBER 1. Stay calm. Do not argue. Use reflective listening skills to attempt to defuse the situation. Allowing the person to vent may be helpful.
2. If situation escalates, address the patron calmly by saying, “I cannot assist you until you have calmed down.”
3. If the abuse continues, notify the Person-in-Charge.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 4. Attempt to move discussion away from the public desk area. Review the situation with the patron to ascertain what precipitated the abuse. Calmly explain appropriate policies and procedures.
5. If abuse continues or escalates, the Person-in-Charge should ask the patron to leave.
You are disturbing the staff and other patrons. You will have to leave the library or I will call the police.
PERSON-IN-CHARGE 6. If the person refuses to leave, call the Salem Police non-emergency number: 3078. Give name, agency, and street address. Be specific about the level of disturbance.
7. Complete Incident Reporting Form (p. 56).
LIBRARY DIRECTOR 8. Alert staff to incident so that repeat offenses can be noted or prevented.
TYPE OF INCIDENT: Mark Applicable Categories
Adult Abuse
Armed or Physically
Threatening Behavior
Bomb Threat
Building Emergency
Child Abuse/Neglect
Children, Unattended
Emotionally Disturbed
or Psychotic Behavior
Group Behavior
of Library Materials
Noisy and Rowdy
Obscene Telephone
Parking Lot
Sexual Misconduct
Substance Abuse
Theft of Library
Theft of Personal
Vandalism of Library
Property or Equipment
Verbal Abuse
CONTACTS MADE (e.g., Fire Department, Police, Building Maintenance)
Dear Parent or Guardian:
The Salem Public Library is glad to have you and your child as library users. We hope that the wide variety of materials and services which we provide will meet your library needs.
We try to provide a safe environment for your child, but we are not able to provide individual supervision, either during library hours or especially for children who are left unattended after the library closes. To ensure the safety of children left after the library closes, it is library policy to call the Salem Police Department if no contact can be made with the parent or caregiver. Staff is authorized to remain with a child until the police arrive.
The police will also be called if your child aged 10 or under is left unattended during library hours and a care-giver cannot be reached.
Please note the library’s policy and hours and arrange to pick up your child before the library closes:
Parents are responsible for the behavior and safety of their children in the library, whether or not the parents are present. Children aged 10 and under must always be accompanied by a responsible adult or a sibling over the age of 13 while in the library. The library expects those accompanying children aged 10 and under to be in direct supervision of the children, which means that they should be able to see the children at all times. Those failing to supervise the children in this manner will be warned once and then asked to leave it if happens again in the same visit. If no responsible adult or other care-giver can be found, the police will be called after 30 minutes. Children should be picked up no later that five minutes before closing time; the police will be notified about any children left alone at the library at closing.
Hours: Mon.-Thur.: 9 AM – 9 PM
Fri.-Sat.: 9 AM – 5 PM
Sun.: 1:30 – 5 PM
Janis Augustine
Library Director
Salem Police Department
Bomb Threat Checklist & Telephone Procedures
Instructions: Be calm & courteous. Listen carefully. Do NOT interrupt the caller. Notify Person-in-Charge & follow procedures below:
_________________ ____________________ _______________
Staff member name Time of call Date
Caller Identification:
___Male ___Female ___Adult ___Juvenile
Voice Characteristics:
___Loud ___Soft ___High Pitched ___Deep/bass
___Raspy ___Intoxicated ___Other_________________
___excellent ___good ___fair ___poor ___obscene
___calm ___rational ___coherent ___deliberate ___righteous
___angry ___irrational ___laughing ___emotional ___incoherent
___fast ___slow ___distinct ___distorted ___stutter ___nasal
___slurred ___lisp
___local ___not local ___region___________ ___foreign_____________
Background Noises:
___factory machines ___bedlam ___music ___office machines ___mixed
___trains ___street traffic ___animals ___voices ___aircraft
___party ___other_____________
SUGGESTION: Pretend difficulty with hearing—keep caller talking!
QUESTIONS TO ASK: “When will it go off?”________________________________
“Where is it located?” building__________________ area___________________
“What kind of bomb?” incendiary________________ explosives______________
“Where are you now?” ________________________ “What is your name & address?”______
____________________________ “How do you know so much about bombs?”__________
Inform caller that detonation could cause injury or death. Write out the message in its entirety & any other comments on a separate sheet of paper.
After call: notify Library Director & call the Salem Police @ 3078 or 911
POLICE Salem 911 or 3078 (non-emergency)
Adult & Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline 387-6040 (weekdays 8-5)
561-8036 (nights, weekends, holidays)
(Add pages as needed for schools in your service area.)
NAME OF SCHOOL: Salem High School
NAME OF SCHOOL: Andrew Lewis Middle School
Topic Source
Abandoned Vehicles
see Parking Lot Problems p. 35
Abuse, Adult
see Adult Abuse/Neglect p. 3
Abuse, Child
see Child Abuse/Neglect p. 11
Abuse, Verbal
see Verbal Abuse p. 54
Adult Abuse/Neglect p. 3
Adult Neglect
see Adult Abuse/Neglect p. 3
see Substance Abuse p. 46
Animals p. 5
Armed or Physically Threatening Behavior p. 6
Assault p. 8
see Assault p. 8
see Parking Lot Problems p. 35
Banning of Patrons p. 2
see Armed or Physically
Threatening Behavior p. 6
see Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see Emotionally Disturbed or
Psychotic Behavior p. 20
see Noisy and Rowdy Behavior p. 30
Blocking Entrances/Exits
See Group Behavior p. 24
Bomb Threat p. 9
Bomb Threat Form p. 60
also Theft of Personal Property p. 51
see Parking Lot Problems p. 35
Child Abuse/Neglect p. 11
see Child Abuse/Neglect p. 11
Children, Unattended
During Business Hours p. 12
After Closing p. 14
see also Noisy and Rowdy Behavior p. 30
see Smoking p. 42
Closing, Children Left After
see Children, Unattended (After Closing) p. 14
see Dress p. 16
Computer Tampering
see Mutilation/Vandalism of Library
Materials or Equipment p. 28
see Group Behavior p. 24
See Language, Offensive p 27
Dress p. 16
see also Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see also Smelly Patron p. 41
see Eating and Drinking p. 17
see Substance Abuse p. 46
Drug Abuse
see Substance Abuse p. 41
Drug Dealing
see Substance Abuse-Drug Dealing p. 47
Eating and Drinking p. 17
Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see also Emotionally Disturbed or
Psychotic Behavior p. 20
Emotionally Disturbed or Psychotic Behavior p. 20
see also Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see Sexual Misconduct p. 38
see Assault p. 8
See Sexual Misconduct p. 38
see Eating and Drinking p. 17
Foul Language
see Language, Offensive p. 27
Gangs p. 22
see also Armed or Physically
Threatening Behavior p. 6
see also Assault p. 8
see also Graffiti p. 53
see also Group Behavior p. 24
see also Noisy and Rowdy Behavior p. 30
see also Vandalism p. 53
see Vandalism p. 53
Group Behavior p. 24
see also Armed or Physically
Threatening Behavior p. 6
see also Noisy and Rowdy Behavior p. 30
see also Gangs p. 22
see Armed or Physically
Threatening Behavior p. 6
see Robbery p. 36
Homeless p. 26
see also Dress p. 16
see also Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see also Emotionally Disturbed or
Psychotic Behavior p. 20
see also Sleeping p. 40
see also Smelly Patrons p. 41
see Truancy p. 52
Incident Reporting Form (FCPL) p. 56
Language, Offensive p. 27
see Sexual Misconduct p. 38
Letter to Parent or Guardian p. 59
see Sexual Misconduct p. 38
see Group Behavior p. 24
see Sexual Misconduct p. 38
Mental Health
see Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see Emotionally Disturbed or
Psychotic Behavior p. 20
see also Parking Lot Problems p. 35
Of Library Materials or Equipment p. 28
Neglect, Adult
see Adult Abuse/Neglect p. 3
Neglect, Child
see Child Abuse/Neglect p. 11
Noisy and Rowdy Behavior p. 30
see also Group Behavior p. 24
Non‑Disruptive Behavior
see Eccentric Behavior p. 18
Obscene Telephone Calls p. 34
see Language, Offensive p. 27
Odor, Body
see Smelly Patron p. 41
see Solicitation (Panhandling) p. 43
Paraphernalia, Drug
see Substance Abuse, Suspicious Substance
or Paraphernalia p. 48
Parent Letter
see Letter to Parent or Guardian p. 59
Parking Lot Problems p. 35
see Animals p. 5
Physical Attack
see Assault p. 8
see Armed or Physically
Threatening Behavior p. 6
see Language, Offensive p. 27
Psychotic Behavior
see Emotionally Disturbed or
Psychotic Behavior p. 20
Purse Snatching
see Theft of Personal Property p. 51
Robbery p. 36
Rowdy Behavior
see Noisy and Rowdy Behavior p. 30
Sexual Misconduct p. 38
Sleeping p. 40
Smelly Patron p. 41
Smoking p. 42
Solicitation (Panhandling) p. 43
see Smoking p. 42
Stalking p. 44
see Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see Sexual Misconduct p. 38
see Burglary
see Theft of Library Material p. 49
see Theft of Personal Property p. 51
see Robbery p. 36
Substance Abuse p. 46
see also Eccentric Behavior p. 18
see also Emotionally Disturbed or
Psychotic Behavior p. 20
see also Group Behavior p. 24
see also Noisy and Rowdy Behavior p. 30
see also Verbal Abuse p. 54
Suspect Description Form p. 57
Suspicious Substance
see Bomb Threat p. 9
see Substance Abuse, Suspicious
Substance or Paraphernalia p. 48
See Language, Offensive p. 27
see Bomb Threat p. 9
see Obscene Telephone Calls p. 34
Of Library Material p. 49
Of Personal Property p. 51
see also Robbery p. 36
Tobacco/Tobacco Products
see Smoking p. 42
Truancy p. 52
Unattended Children
see Children, Unattended
(During Business Hours) p. 12
see Children, Unattended
(After Closing) p. 14
see Homeless p. 26
Vandalism p. 53
see also Mutilation/Vandalism
of Library Materials or Equipment p. 28
see Parking Lot Problems p. 35
Verbal Abuse p. 54
see Armed or Physically Threatening Behavior p. 6
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