
Inclement Weather

Page history last edited by Ann Tripp 11 years, 5 months ago

     During periods of inclement weather, employees are expected to report for work unless instructed otherwise.


     If, on occasion, the City Manager deems it necessary to order City offices closed, the following procedure shall be followed:


     Employees will be notified by their superiors and/or the local news media as appropriate. The internet, the local radio and television stations will carry such announcements.


     Essential emplyees, as determined by the appropriate department head, who must work, and are not scheduled to work, will be paid for such time and will also be given hour-for-hour inclement weather leave for the regular shift. For payroll reporting purposes, this time will be shown as comp time earned hour-for-hour. If overtime is involved, payment will be made at 1 1/2 times the employee's hourly rate.


     Nonessential employees, as determined by the appropriate department head, who are instructed not to report for work, will receive their regular day's pay. For payroll purposes, this time is to be recorded as eight hours worked.


     Any employees who are off on sick leave, or prescheduled vacation, holiday or break time will be charged accordingly.


     If it becomes necessary to delay the time employees are to report to work, those who do report will be paid a day's pay. Those who do not will have to charge this time to some approved leave or lose the time on the current pay period.


     If employees are dismissed after reporting for work on a delayed schedule, all those reporting will be paid a day's pay. Again, those who do not report will have to charge their time to some approved leave or lose the time.


     This policy shall apply to all shifts that actually begin on a specified day.


     Any time the offices are not officially closed and an employee does not report for work because of inclement weather, this time must be charged to some type of properly authorized leave if payment is expected or be lost.


     On those days when departments are operating and employees are going to be late or not at work because of the weather, they should report as soon as possible by telephone to their departments.


     This inclement weather policy is in no way to be confused with the holiday policy.

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