
Internet - Computer Policy Staff

Page history last edited by Brandon Bushnell 16 years, 2 months ago

  For the purposes of this policy, the City of Salem, (hereby referred to as the City) computer/information systems includes the computers, disks, programs and related peripherals provided by the City. Also included in this policy are telephone, voice mail, electronic mail (e-mail) and Internet/Intranet access systems, provided by the City. 


Employees should use computer/information systems primarily for the City’s business only. Personal use of the computer/information systems is not encouraged but, if not abused, as determined solely by the department head, it will not be prohibited. Any personal use should not interfere with the conducting of business at the City, be detrimental to City employees, customers, or distract from the employee's work duties or the work of others. These systems shall not be used for, among other things, commercial ventures, religious or political causes, outside organizations, or other non-job-related solicitations.


Under no circumstance shall the City’s computer/information systems be used for sending, accessing, receiving, or storing any material of an offensive, discriminatory, or harassing nature. Material that is threatening, obscene, or defamatory, chain letters, or any other purpose that is illegal, against City policy or contrary to City interests, is not allowed. Police research or employee monitoring are the only exceptions to this rule, and then must be specifically authorized by the department head. 


The City’s computer/information system, including the e-mail and voice mail system and Internet access, are the property of the City, and documents, messages, or other communications from these systems are subject to monitoring without notice to employees as deemed necessary by the City Managers office. Consequently, employees should not maintain an expectation of privacy with respect to the City’s computer/information system and employees should not put items in these systems which are personal and which an employee does not wish management to see. Any passwords used to access these systems must not be made known to any third party nor be shared with other employees, unless requested by a department head or other authorized management official of the City.


Any unauthorized removal or access of files, applications or data from the City’s computer/information system is prohibited. Unauthorized removal, addition or reconfiguration of computer hardware is also prohibited. Because of the threat of viruses and software incompatibility, the copying of files, loading of applications and data from outside systems, or use of floppy disks used on outside systems, onto the City’s computer system is prohibited without the prior approval of the Information Systems Manager.



E-Mail and Voice Mail Policy


The purpose of e-mail and voice mail is to facilitate communicating business or work-related data in a timely and efficient manner. E-mail is a written means of communication. Do not transmit anything in an e-mail message or voice mail that you would not be comfortable writing in a letter or memorandum. In composing a message, do not let the opportunity for an instantaneous comment or response cloud your judgment in a situation in which you may later regret what you wrote or said. Therefore, all users should exercise good judgment and common sense when creating and distributing e-mail and voice mail messages. 


Forgery (or attempted forgery) of e-mail messages is prohibited. Unauthorized actions or attempts to read, copy, modify, or delete e-mail or voice mail messages of other users is also prohibited. No messages may be transmitted under an assumed name. Users may not attempt to obscure the origin of any message. Sending unsolicited junk mail, or "for profit" messages is prohibited.


Because of the threat of viruses, downloading attached files from outside electronic messages is prohibited without the proper identification of its origin and intent.



Internet Policy


Certain employees will be authorized access to the Internet. Other employees must have permission from their supervisor prior to accessing the Internet from any of the City’s computers at any time. This includes accessing the Internet during an employee's shift (including breaks or lunch) as well as before or after the employee’s shift. Use of the Internet by non-employees is prohibited, except on specifically designated public access computers.


You should be aware that every Internet site you visit is capable of determining who you are, and what you represent. Accordingly, access to the Internet should include the use of good judgment, common sense, and careful discretion. You should also be aware that the City’s computer network could record the date, time, and Internet sites that you access.


Use of the City’s computer systems in attempts to gain access to remote systems or offensive sites, as determined by the Information Systems Manager, is prohibited. Use of the Internet must not disrupt the operation of the City’s network or the networks of other users. Internet use must not interfere with any employee's productivity.


Because of the threat of viruses, and because of the potential for downloaded software to interfere with the City’s network or local PC’s, downloading of any programs, except as expressly approved by the Information Systems Manager, is prohibited. When approved, downloading of programs must be done on your specific PC's hard drive and not to the City’s network servers.


Internet Chat channels and Internet news groups may be used only to conduct official company business, or to gain technical or analytical advice. Personal use of chat channels, chat software, or news groups on the City’s network is prohibited. Internet Audio/Video services for personal pleasure or entertainment is also prohibited.





Violating the provisions of this policy, or any action which the City determines is not in its best interests, may result in disciplinary action ranging from the revocation of user access to termination of employment. The users of our network and computer systems are responsible for respecting and adhering to local, state, federal, and international laws related to the access and use of computer systems and software. Failure to observe copyright or license agreements may result in disciplinary action or legal action by the copyright owner. The City will cooperate fully with appropriate authorities to provide information related to actual or suspected activity not consistent with the law.

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